Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Alois is not Hibernating!
Alois is not Hibernating. He is alive and well, Sonja and I just haven't
been as active in publishing his where-abouts. This is a new piece that
was started on a series of colored swatches and I'm sending it back now
to Sonja to work on with my additions. I'm also sending new portrait cards
that I began with graphite so we'll see what happens with those.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Eröffnung: Mi 9. Juni, 19:00 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 10. Juni - 9. Juli 2010
„We are tanken!“ ist ein Mailart-Projekt zwischen Adam Benjamin Fung (Chicago) und Sonja Bendel (Wien). Seit einem Jahr schicken sich die beiden KünstlerInnen auf dem Postweg Zeichnungen, an denen sie abwechselnd arbeiten. Im Laufe dieses Prozesses entstand das vielseitige Bild des Protagonisten "Alois", dessen Persönlichkeit und Lebensumstände wie Spuren erscheinen. Durch das Zusammentreffen von Bendel und Fung in Wien, wird erstmals ein tieferer Einblick in Alois Welt ermöglicht.
"english translation"
Opening: Mi 9 June, 19:00 clock Exhibition duration: 10 June - 9 July 2010 „Incoming goods of acres refuel! “is a Mailart project between Adam Benjamin Fung (Chicago) and Sonja Bendel (Vienna). Since one year send themselves the two artists on the post office way designs, on which they work alternating. In the course of this process the versatile picture of the protagonist developed " Alois" , its personality and life circumstances such as traces appear. By the meeting of Bendel and Fung in Vienna, a deeper view of Alois world is made possible for the first time.